
What Happens If Someone Dies Without A Will In Massachusetts?

February 24, 2024

Understanding the complexities of estate planning can be challenging, but at Jordan & White, LLC, we know the importance of being prepared. In Massachusetts, when an individual passes away without a will, their estate is subject to intestate succession laws. These laws govern how assets are distributed and can significantly differ from what the deceased…

What Is The Role Of The Executor Or Personal Representative In Massachusetts?

February 20, 2024

At Jordan & White, LLC, we often assist clients in understanding the crucial role of a Personal Representative in the probate process in Massachusetts. This role, formerly known as the executor, is pivotal in managing and settling an estate after someone passes away. In this article, we will explore the various responsibilities and duties of…

How Long Does The Probate Process Take?

February 20, 2024

Going through the probate process can often seem daunting, but at Jordan & White LLC, we aim to make it as smooth as possible for you. Probate is a legal procedure where a deceased person’s will is validated, and their estate is settled. This involves distributing assets, paying debts, and handling any associated legal matters.…

How Does a Trust Impact My Eligibility for Government Programs in Massachusetts?

February 15, 2024

At Jordan & White, LLC, we recognize the importance of planning for the future while considering various government programs available in Massachusetts. Trusts can be a vital part of estate planning, but it’s essential to understand how they might affect your eligibility for government assistance. In this post, we’ll delve into the complexities of this…

Caveat Emptor: Let The Buyer Beware on the North Shore of Massachusetts

February 13, 2024

If you’ve ever browsed property listings or ventured into the world of real estate, you might have heard the term “Caveat Emptor.” It translates to “Let the Buyer Beware,” an old adage emphasizing the buyer’s responsibility to assess and inspect a property before purchasing. Here on the North Shore of Massachusetts, this principle is just…

What Are The Costs Associated With Probate In Massachusetts?

February 12, 2024

At Jordan & White, LLC, we often guide our clients through the probate process in Massachusetts, which can be complex and sometimes costly. Probate is the legal procedure where a deceased person’s will is proved in a court and accepted as a valid public document, the testament to the true last testament of the deceased.…

What Are the Different Types of Trusts?

February 8, 2024

Trusts aren’t just for the wealthy. They’re powerful tools everyone on the North Shore of Massachusetts should consider when safeguarding their legacy.  There’s a common misconception that trusts are exclusive to the elite, meant only for multi-millionaires with sprawling estates. But that’s far from reality. Trusts serve as practical tools for individuals from all walks…

Can I Change My Will After It’s Created?

February 5, 2024

Drafting a will is an important step in securing your legacy and ensuring your wishes are honored. At Jordan & White, LLC, we often encounter questions about the flexibility of a will after its creation. It’s a common concern: life changes, and so might your wishes. Here, we discuss how and when you can update…

How Can I Make My Will Legally Valid?

February 2, 2024

Creating a legally valid will is a fundamental aspect of estate planning. At Jordan & White, LLC, we understand the importance of this process and are committed to guiding you through every step. This blog post aims to provide clear and practical information on making your will legally valid, ensuring your wishes are honored and…